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“PogranCult: GaliciaCult” opens in Kharkiv

October 4-18, Kharkiv will host the sociocultural forum “PogranCult: GaliciaCult” – a cultural dialogue bringing Ukrainian historic regions Galicia and Slobozhanshchyna together through art and discussion.

galcjakultThe main purpose of the forum is bring together Galicians and the citizens of Kharkiv to overcome stereotypes and gain deeper knowledge of the cultural and social landscape on the “opposite pole.”

“The purpose of the forum is to introduce Sloboda Ukraine to Galicia, to dispel myths and to build a direct dialogue between them. For Ukrainians, it is important not to be afraid of regional differences, because we can present its cultural diversity in the world, as Italy, Spain, France do, ” said Olga Sagaidak, the organizer of the forum.

The program includes more than 80 events, film screenings, concerts, theatrical performances, literary readings, art exhibitions, lectures and discussions.

In the framework of “PogranCult: GaliciaCult” about 20 documentary and feature films will be shown – participants of the international film festivals in Ukraine, the USA, France, Canada.

This is the third event of project “PogranCult”. The previous project “DonCult”, dedicated to Donbas gathered about 25 thousand visitors in Kyiv and Lviv.

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