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Zaporizhzhia Airport Broke Last Year’s Record

For several years running Zaporizhzhia Airport has been steadily increasing its passenger traffic. 2019 was no exception also when the number of passengers increased up to 434 thousand for the first time in two decades. Compared to 2018, when just over 400,000 people were transported, this figure increased by 8.5%.

Thus, almost 326 thousand of people were transported on international airlines (by 6.7% more than in 2018), and on domestic airlines – 108 thousand (an increase of 14%). It is worth noting that such a strong performance was achieved in 2019 despite the fact that the company heavily overhauled the airfield. Due to this, the airport has not received aircrafts for almost a month and a half.

Significantly, in the last month of 2019, the airport served 34% more passengers than in 2018, which is more than 41,2 thousand of people. The increase was observed both on international airlines, which served more than 30.3 thousand of people (an increase of 33%) and on domestic airlines – almost 11 thousand of people (an increase of 36%).