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Ukraine Lifts Entry Ban

The Ukrainian government has made several decisions changing the entry requirements for foreign citizens and stateless persons. Under the government decree, approved on June 12, the temporary entry ban for foreigners is no longer effective.

Foreigners arriving in Ukraine should have a relevant insurance policy and those arriving from countries with a high number of coronavirus infections to undergo observation.

For the duration of the quarantine, foreigners and stateless persons (except permanent residents, refugees, or persons seeking additional protection) will be banned from entry if they do not have an insurance policy to cover the costs relating to COVID-19 treatment and observation.

Arriving from, or being a citizen of, a country with a high number of COVID-19 cases shall be ground for observation. At the same time, a citizen of a country with a high number of COVID-19 infections, who has not been in that country in the previous 14 days, foreign diplomats and consular officials, representatives from accredited international missions and organizations and their family members, drivers and crew members of cargo transport vehicles, air, sea and river crews, members of train brigades, participants in an external independent audit will not be required to undergo observation, unless there is a reason to believe that they have been in contact with a COVID-19 patient.

Also exempt from observation will be those who agree to self-isolate using an act-at-home electronic service.

A country is considered to have a high number of COVID-19 cases if it had at least 40 active cases per 100,000 population.

A list of such countries will be updated and submitted by the State Border Guard Service to the Foreign Ministry every three days.