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Minsk hosts festival of Ukrainian culture

The Belarusian capital hosts a festival of Ukrainian culture. The celebrations are taking place in the Upper Town.

ukraine_tradition_82The festival program includes a concert with the participation of singers and dance companies from the city of Minsk, and also from Minsk, Gomel and Brest Oblasts. The list of performers features Ukrainian folk band Vatra, choir Bereginya, vocal quartet Kamerton, folk band Vyazynka, Ukrainian folk songs choir Krynitsa and many others.

Apart from that, Minsk residents and visitors will be invited to enjoy a photo exhibition, an exhibition of embroidery and traditional towels, books from Ukrainian publishing houses, and a fair of handicrafts.

There will also be a presentation of Ukrainian cuisine.

The festival has been organized by the Belarusian public association Vatra, Minsk City Hall, the Belarusian Center of National Cultures, and the Ukrainian Embassy in Belarus.

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