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Florence Airport

Florence Airport to Produce Wine from Rooftop Vineyard

Florence Airport is set to undergo a remarkable transformation, adding a touch of Tuscany’s renowned winemaking to the skies. The ambitious project includes the extension of the runway, a redesigned taxiway, and the construction of a state-of-the-art terminal. However, what truly sets this airport apart is its plan to cultivate vineyards on the terminal’s roof.

With just one existing runway and limited nighttime flight capabilities, Florence Airport has long faced challenges in accommodating the growing influx of tourists. To address these limitations, the airport authorities have decided to extend the runway by an additional kilometer and rotate it by 90º, mitigating geographical constraints posed by the surrounding hills. Simultaneously, a cutting-edge terminal, designed by the acclaimed architectural firm of Rafael Viñoly, known for their work on New York’s 432 Park Avenue, is in the works. The new terminal is expected to triple the airport’s passenger capacity, providing a more seamless experience for travelers.

What truly captures the imagination, however, is the innovative use of the terminal’s rooftop space. Recognizing Florence as the capital of Tuscany, a region globally acclaimed for its winemaking traditions, the airport plans to plant 39 rows of vineyards on the roof. This unprecedented combination of air travel and winemaking aims to create a unique experience for visitors, allowing them to enjoy panoramic views of the picturesque Tuscan landscape while savoring locally produced wines.