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Reikartz initiates a new project “Upgrade a restaurant”

Free course is aimed on people who are wishing to engage in the restaurant business! Two intense days of creativity and team solving problems tasks regarding operations of different restaurants directions. They will be able to realize themselves, to apply their ideas into practice and get a job in the company.

6996_700x500_dim1The most successful candidates receive a job offer in Reikartz restaurant chain at the end of a creative project.

“Project goal – to give a chance to prove themselves and reach the heights in the restaurant business, – says Andrey Magaletsky, deputy head of the F&B deparment National chain Reikartz. – We are open to work with all talented people and ready to provide the necessary support for the implementation of their active life position”.

National hotel chain Reikartz is always looking for young perspective specialists. Each year the company conducts trainings for young hoteliers and restaurateurs. The most successful candidated of the course recieve a job in a Reikartz company on leadership positions.

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